The holiday season has now descended upon us and although it can be a magical time filled with cheer, family memories, and joy, it can also bring unpleasant feelings of stress and fatigue. These feelings can start to overshadow our spirit of merriment and cause us to lose sight of the true meaning of this season.
Kettlebells and Dumbbells With Anabells Fitness
That face is the face of a woman who got her butt kicked. (Okay, that's obviously a dramatic overreaction, but you get the idea.) I have taken the Luscious Legs and Arm Candy, Kettlebell Chicks, and Kettlebell 101 Swing Series classes taught by the phenomenal Anabell Browne. I have sweated my face off, I have nearly barfed (due to ingesting an insane amount of sparkling water leading up to a HIIT workout), and I have learned the proper way to do Russian swings with the kettlebell. Long story short: I came to class, I saw Ana work her magic, and I got conquered by all matter of fitness equipment. Let me back up and start from the beginning.
Fitness and Self-Care Go Together to Make Us Whole
Taking care of your body is your job. It’s as important as performing regular maintenance on your car or your home, and it’s what will help you stay strong into your later years. You need to nourish it as well as exercise it to keep it in top form. While fitness is an important part of your overall self-care regimen, it’s not the only part.
Setting Your 2018 Fitness Goals
The New Year has arrived. A new year brings forth new opportunity, new energy, new focus. Maybe this is the year you will achieve the fitness goals that you have been dreaming about.
The goals that seem so close, yet so far away. The ones that you envision when you see photos of others finishing a half marathon, losing 10 pounds, or regaining their health.
Happiness Is A Choice
Happiness is a choice. If you can’t be happy, wherever you are in your life, then chances are you won’t be happy when the things you think will make you happy occur. Being happy isn’t about acquiring stuff or making lots of money or being super fit. What I have found is that happiness is about making those moment by moment choices to be at peace, to be grateful, to focus on the positive aspects of you, your life, and the people around you. It’s about self-love, believing in yourself and treating others with kindness, love, respect, and compassion.
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You Are What You Drink!
As the temperatures heat up, pay an extra attention for the body’s need to cool down. “Easy!” you say… “Ice cream time!” Not so fast! Did you know that ice cream could actually warm the body up? Yes, the immediate sensation is a cooling one, but once the body begins the digestion process, the contents of this delicious summer treat (specifically fats, carbohydrates, and protein) the energy production as a result of digestion will warm the body up.